Software development

You have always had a desire to solve puzzles and problems – especially when it comes to technology. Not only that, but friends and family members often come to you for help with any technical problems. When a new gadget is released, you are usually first in line. You simply love the innovative world of technology and the opportunities it brings.

You have a lot of the qualities of people who would make a great software developer. You are interested in this possibility, but you may be thinking: what does a software developer do?

We’ve gathered the data and insights you need to answer this question and others about what to expect from working in software development. Read on for a glimpse into this important tech career.

Who exactly is a software developer?

Software developers are the creators and idea generators of all kinds of computer software. While some software developers may focus on a specific programme or application, others create huge networks or underlying systems that help activate and run other programmes. There are therefore two main classifications of developers:

What do software developers do?

Developers in this sector are responsible for designing computer or mobile applications. Their work is primarily focused on creating for consumers. This includes understanding user needs, developing software solutions, monitoring performance and modifying programmes as needed.

What do systems software developers do?

These specialists have focused on operating system-level software, compilers and network distribution software, as follows. This role is more focused on developing solutions for business organisations. This includes software development for medical, industrial, military, communications, aerospace, business, scientific and general computing applications.

What are the job responsibilities of a software developer?

Much of the actual development of software is done by writing code, and is overseen by software developers. Depending on the company they work for, the software developer will analyse the user’s needs and then design, test and develop software that will solve a problem, provide entertainment or simply make life easier for the intended audience.

After mapping the design, creating flowcharts and drawing up each step of the process, developers will create diagrams and models to guide programmers on how to write the code.

Other job duties include mapping the software so that it can be registered for future upgrades and improvements, testing the software and working with other computer specialists to make sure that the software is at the highest level and working properly.

What are some important skills for a software developer?

Software developers need to have a healthy balance between hard and soft skills. Software developers are not only responsible for sketching and designing the code and design of a programme, but these types of careers also involve a lot of collaboration between different stakeholders.

The best skills for software developers

Mastering the above skills is only half the equation. The best software developers have certain transferable skills to complement their technical knowledge.

Ability to solve problems

The whole point of software development is to create programmes that solve the user’s problem. If you’re the type who tends to identify problems and figure out the best way to approach the solution, you’re probably ideally suited for a career in software development. Not only that, but coding is often a problem-solving and troubleshooting role – being able to patiently and strategically fix potential bugs or problems in code is a big part of their job.


Contrary to popular belief, software developers are not confined to their desks, out of touch with the outside world. In fact, they spend a lot of time working with other developers and programmers to create the core product for the user. Good communication, empathy and the ability to work with others are a must.

Analytical and strategic

Coding and software are a kind of puzzle, and if you enjoy solving a mystery by looking at the big picture as well as smaller steps along the way, you will be at home developing software. Setting up these types of programmes involves a lot of thoughtful planning. If you can figure out the fastest or most efficient way from A to B, the world of software development will welcome you with open arms.

Intrinsic motivation

Developing software can be hard, tedious work, so it’s important not to get blocked or discouraged if you fail the first time you try to do something. If you are the kind of person who is naturally determined to finish things, a career in software development will suit you well.